Just another medical update

Just another medical update

I went to my primary care doctor on Tuesday. Some good news and some more testing to be done. He has not received any bad news from my heart sensor. He does want me to wear it for another week or so to confirm things are good there. I talked to him about my symptoms and what could possibly be the issue. I think he was in agreement with me on most of the options. He ordered an MRI to rule out a tumor or MS. He also ordered an EEG to rule out seizures. He ordered one more blood test to rule out Addison’s disease. He ordered the MRI ASAP so I don’t need to wait around wondering if I have a brain tumor. If the tests either show something or don’t show something, he recommended that I might want to go see a neurologist at that point.

I am personally leaning towards chronic migraines at this point. It kind of answers all my symptoms and I already know I get migraines. This is not acting like my normal migraine patterns but that doesn’t mean it isn’t one. It is pretty much the same symptoms as my migraines but just spread out over multiple days instead of multiple hours. The head dropping is different than normal migraines for me but vertigo is a common symptom for a lot of people. These episodes are even tearing up my stomach exactly as my migraines do.

If these tests don’t lead to anything and the symptoms are fading, I’m not sure I would go to a neurologist at that point unless things continue to be bad or worse. Only time and testing will tell me where I am and where I am going. I’m doing my best not to stress or be afraid. Either way worrying about it won’t fix a thing and is bad for my health.