Another Field Day is under wraps. We decided to just do only half of Field Day this year. It normally goes from Saturday at 2pm to Sunday at 2pm. But with the excessive heat, the place we were going to have it did not respond and both my dad and niece had medical issues over the past month. We just weren’t feeling up to the entire weekend. We kept it simple with only my family. We normally do it with our Ham Radio club and friends and extended family.
It was very hot today, so we started early and got everything set up before 9am. Then we went home, got some food together, and met back at my brother’s to start making contacts when it started. We got started a little later, around 2:30pm, but not bad. Everyone who wanted to operate got to, and we got both Youngest and Middle on the air a good bit. We operated until around 10pm tonight and got half of it packed up. We are going to head over tomorrow at 8am to finish taking down and packing up the antennas.
All in all, I personally like the smaller Field Day with just my family. I kind of wish we did it like this every year.
Side Note: On the way to my brother’s to operate we saw a pile of mulch under a tree at Walmart that was smoking and on fire.