Just another medical update July 25, 2024Posted inUpdatesTags: medical, personal I went to my primary care doctor on Tuesday. Some good news and some more testing to be done. He has not received any bad news from my heart sensor.…
Still unsure whats wrong with me July 20, 2024Posted inUpdatesTags: medical, personal I've still been dealing with health issues since two Saturdays ago. Things are getting slowly better, so I think that part is good. I am now leaning towards heat stroke…
Website Clean Up May 25, 2024Posted inUpdatesTags: personal, site I've been trying to clean up and set up this site over the past few days. I wanted it to be simple and clean. Easy to read and pleasing to…
Failing to Post May 18, 2024Posted inUpdatesTags: personal I am still struggling to post on my blog. I am not sure why, but I think I need to start posting in the mornings. By the end of the…